This is SO just in time. Thank you.

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Yes, scaffolding was the concept in Adam’s new book that drew my attention as well. Interesting about the Latin roots of the word

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I think behavioral design should aim to build scaffolds, but I see it more as building nudges or exploiting our biases, and that feels more manipulative than supportive.

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Love this and you’ll find it’s a concept used in the world of sport all the time. In our martial arts dojo we teach white belts approaches and ways to think that they learn to let go of as they advance their practice and capabilities.

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I'm curious about how the concept of scaffolding plays into the principles of personal agency. Does building scaffolding give us agency, or do we need agency to build the scaffolding? I think the concept of personal agency will be far more interesting as we move ahead .. particularly as many of us continue to find ourselves in a looser, less structured workplace where all of the literal scaffolding that was once on hand, is now on us entirely.

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Great question/observation. I think you need some personal agency to find and build the scaffold. To give yourself the permission to say "yes, I need help." Then the scaffold gives us momentum and agency.

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Love this! Just added Adam’s book to my list!!

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Loved Ann Pendleton Jullian's discussion of the Cynefin temporary scaffold at Whistler retreat


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