I seem to be losing my attention all the time these days. I’m doing one thing and my mind is in 10 different places , feeling exhausted I just sit down and switch on the tv.

Trying to do 10 different things within a short span of time is what drags me down so finishing a 30 minute episode feels like at least I started and finished something!

This phone which now rules our lives is the one that needs to be controlled because I read my emails on it , attend online classes and meetings on it , chat on it , watch YouTube on it and just read and am commenting on your message on it while I was actually in the middle of a recorded online class but your article popped up and I paused the class and am now writing this comment.

Priorities have to be set!

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Try the attention logging for a week. It has really helped me. Quite confronting but in the best possible way!

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

https://webtracker.online/ Peter Druckers view was, first start with tracking what you do spend time on.... I found this extension super insightful. It tracks web usage and clocks up the time spent on each site.... https://webtracker.online/

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Helpful tool. Thanks!

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I found that the kids growing up, retiring and taking walks...really helped 😜. I know that is completely unhelpful but I couldn't resist! Sorry.

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Jul 1Liked by Rachel Botsman

What works well for me is to remind myself of the bigger purpose of what I'm doing. Then I move away from the "ME/my book/my project..." wavelength to the US/WE perspective which is so much more important to me and the whole. THEN I reset myself, and do what I need to get done with passion, curiosity and joy

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Love this, Rachel! I’d add the importance of boundaries, not just setting them but enforcing them, the key to which is (re-) training those around you to understand your intentions and boundaries. Too easily we (I) let go of boundaries set because someone close to us doesn’t know about them or our intentions and feels able to interrupt at will. It’s a process!

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Yes, on the retraining point!

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I highly highly highly recommend Oliver Burkemans boom 4000 Weeks for powerful perspectives on life and attention.

The problem isn't just that you need to value your attention more. Its also that there are just too many things in which we all value. It's not that we're bad at prioritizing, it's that there are too many meaningful things we could be doing now that we are always going to fall short.

Oliver lays this perspective out and describes how we can be okay with falling short, which liberates us to focus on the few things that we are able to do now.

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I love Oliver’s book!

Amantha Imber’s book Time Wise is also great.

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Thank you for the recommendation!

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